Raise Awareness!
Buy merchandise from websites supporting childhood cancer research and wear it in public!
Paint your nails gold for the month of September or update your profile picture to a childhood cancer foundation logo or a gold cross or just anything gold! Some pages let you use a picture they post of their child for the month of September
Shave your head for St Baldrick's
Follow groups or pages set up on social media (facebook/instagram/gofundme/caringbridge etc.) and share their journeys on social media or whatever way you wish
Start a fundraiser
Get your local/and or state representatives involved
Other Ways to Give:
Check out this link for a rundown of some opportunities https://dragonfly.org/how-to-give/
Register to be a bone marrow or blood donor on https://bethematch.org/
Send care bags https://www.gofundme.com/teamjennybeancarebags
Donate extra airline miles (makeawish goes to all causes, more than childhood cancer, but this is a cool one) https://wish.org/airline-miles
Help fulfill wish lists
Sophie and her blanket
Oscar and his blanket
Maverick and his blanket